The Impossible Tahoe Turn and Burn, Day 7

The Impossible
Tahoe Turn & Burn is an 8 part series,
so be sure to start with
Day 1

We left Las Vegas, early.

We had to leave the airplane motor and a lot of our gear inside the truck, out in the parking garage. A risky move, but we didn't have much choice. Happy that it all was undisturbed, once again. 

On the main street to the highway we witnessed Vegas Metro PD, guns drawn on 2 guys in a gas station parking lot. At 8AM. Doubtful any of those guys got up this morning to get into this, the cops or the accused, but this city never sleeps. 

We were in such a hurry to get out of town and make some miles in our long day that we realized almost too late that we needed fuel. We were saved by the Last Stop, a shitty souvenir trap with a Zoltar-esque Trump machine and 3 aisles worth of nonsense conspiracy theory themed paraphernalia of all kinds, not to mention all of the other weird stuff that was desert-branded; aliens, weed, Route 66, USA, etc. Arizona is a strange place. 

Our first destination today was Jimmy Descant's  gallery in Tucson to see some of his current work, and Josh planned to buy a piece, which turned into two.

Jimmy is a fascinating guy and a really unique and talented artist. I could have listened to him talk about the inspiration and story behind each piece all day, and each one is so intricate it was impossible to take it all in during a quick stop.

One of the the creations that Josh bought is part of series that Jimmy incorporated into his style of Western Futurism; some old fotos that his dad shot of JFK on the campaign trail on his way to the eventual presidency. These negatives have never been seen before and he'd sat on them for years, eventually had them developed and they’re nice and crisp and add something really special to these pieces, along with the cool story. 

Back in the truck, Josh and I think we've figured out a possible theory to the root of the conspiracy theory about JFK coming back or whatever those people think - the word got out that Jimmy was releasing these fotos and it spread like the telephone game on the internet and next thing you know people are camping out at Dealey Plaza waiting. 

what a time to be alive.

After visiting with Jimmy, we loaded the truck to the gills with gear and acquisitions and road scores and more, then rolled out of Tucson hellbent for NM - as far east as we could get so that next day (Day 8, @ the Flack Farm) would be as short a day as possible.

We made it to Alamogordo some 12 or 13 hours of driving later (having left from Vegas) and were properly tired. So tired, in fact, that neither of us even wanted a beer. We did eat Del Taco and although they were the best tacos of the whole trip, they were not really all that good. The best tacos we'd decided were some jalapeño corn dogs we picked up in a Tonopah gas station. 

Tacos are not the sacred art elsewhere that they are in Texas, I tell you what.


The Impossible Tahoe Turn and Burn, Day 8


The Impossible Tahoe Turn and Burn, Day 6